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Keeping track of my music using NodeJS

I have a very large collection of music stored locally on my computer, to keep track of it in case my pc dies, i decided to write a node script.

filtering audio files

I only have mp3 and wav files, so those are the only extensions i am interested in.

const fs = require("fs")

fs.readdir("..", async (err, files) => {
  const filesTypes = ["mp3", "wav"]
  const audioFiles = files.filter((file) =>
    filesTypes.some((ft) => file.includes(ft))

getting the metadata

Next we want to get the title, album, artist name and other metadata, for that purpose, i am using music-metadata npm package. You can get it by running this command :

npm i music-metadata

for (const [index, af] of audioFiles.entries()) {
  const metadata = await mm.parseFile("../" + af);
  const buffer = metadata.common.title
    ? `${metadata.common.artist} - ${metadata.common.title} - ${metadata.common.album}`
    : af;

Final code

finally we write the result into a text file,I personally keep the file on my onedrive. and optionally log the progress into the console. here's the final code. you can also find it on my github

const fs = require("fs");
const mm = require("music-metadata");

fs.readdir("..", async (err, files) => {
  const filesTypes = ["mp3", "wav"];
  const audioFiles = files.filter((file) =>
    filesTypes.some((ft) => file.includes(ft))
  var outputFile = fs.createWriteStream("musicList.txt");
  outputFile.write("My Music List \n");

  const afLength = audioFiles.length;
  for (const [index, af] of audioFiles.entries()) {
    const metadata = await mm.parseFile("../" + af);
    const buffer = metadata.common.title
      ? `${metadata.common.artist} - ${metadata.common.title} - ${metadata.common.album}`
      : af;
    console.log(`${index} of ${afLength} -  ${buffer}`);
    outputFile.write(buffer + "\n");